Home for the
best in-class infrastructure
to nurture design education.
It boasts of state-of-the-art
research facilities and modern library.
Industry & Institutional Collaborations
Community Outreach Projects
Scholarships Awarded
Research Projects Underway
UG, PG & PhD Programs
FoD aims to foster creativity and innovation for an intellectually satisfying learning environment as well as to establish MUJ as a globally preferred destination for students, faculty, researchers and other stakeholders.
Programs Offered:
Bachelor of Design(Fashion Design)
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Applied Art)
Master of Landscape Architecture (M Arch)
Master of Fine Arts (Applied Arts)
Master of Design (Interior Design)
We are committed to a learner-centred design education pedagogy whereby students are encouraged to explore and discover; experiment and take risks; ask questions and think critically; and research and test ideas in collaboration with their peers and faculty members.
Dean, Faculty of Design
Dean, Faculty of Design & Director, School of Architecture & Design
Director, School of Design & Art
Head, Department of Fine Arts
Head, Department of Fashion Design
Professor & Head, School of Architecture & Design
Associate Professor & Head Department of Interior Design
Faculty of Design is often visited and supported by renowned names from the educational sector as well as the Design Industry who help motivate the students and the institute to grow ten fold
A one-day workshop was organized by the department of psychology on 23rd February 2024 for the undergraduate students to understand the concept of mind maps and apply mind mapping to define and plan their career paths
Manipal University Jaipur
Manipal University Jaipur