Dr Dinesh Yadav bags MTTS Outstanding Chapter Officer/Volunteer Award 2023 (R-10 India and Sri Lanka)
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering at Manipal University Jaipur is delighted to announce that Dr Dinesh Yadav has received the "MTTS Outstanding Chapter Officer/Volunteer Award 2023 (R-10 India and Sri Lanka)" during the IEEE MAPCON 2023 conference at Ahmedabad, Gujrat, on 13 Dec 2023.
The IEEE MTT-S global leadership, Prof. Nuno B. Carvalho (President, MTT-S), Prof. Stefano Maci (President, AP-S), Dr. Goutam Chattopadhyay (Senior Scientist, NASA-JPL/MTT-S MGA Chair), Prof. Yahia M M Antar (Ex- APS, President) and Prof. Chinmoy Saha (MTT-S Region-10 Coordinator) were present during the felicitation ceremony on the dais. Dr Yadav thanked Prof. Shiban Koul for motivating and encouraging him to work for students and society.