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The Academic and Administrative buildings of Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ) have been awarded a 5-star rating by GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment). Manipal University Jaipur is the first University in the country to receive this honour.


GRIHA was all praise for MUJ, saying "that this is one of the best projects we have ever rated and the 1st University Campus in India to get a 5 Star Rating.”


The award will be presented to the University on the occassion of its Inauguration on 2 April, 2015.





LEED stands for green building leadership. LEED is transforming the way we think about how buildings and communities are designed, constructed, maintained and operated across the globe.

LEED certified buildings save money and resources and have a positive impact on the health of occupants, while promoting renewable, clean energy.

LEED, or Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design, is a green building certification program that recognises best-in-class building strategies and practices. To receive LEED certification, building projects satisfy prerequisites and earn points to achieve different levels of certification. Prerequisites and credits differ for each rating system, and teams choose the best fit for their project.




GRIHA is the National Rating System of India, GRIHA is a Sanskrit word meaning – ‘Abode’. Human Habitats (Buildings) interact with the environment in various ways. Throughout their life cycles, from construction to operation and then demolition, they consume resources in the form of energy, water, materials, etc. and emit wastes either directly in the form of municipal wastes or indirectly as emissions from electricity generation. GRIHA attempts to minimise a building’s resource consumption, waste generation, and overall ecological impact to within certain nationally acceptable limits / benchmarks.

GRIHA attempts to quantify aspects such as energy consumption, waste generation, renewable energy adoption, etc. so as to manage, control and reduce the same to the best possible extent.GRIHA is a rating tool that helps people assess the performance of their building against certain nationally acceptable benchmarks. It will evaluate the environmental performance of a building holistically over its entire life cycle, thereby providing a definitive standard for what constitutes a         ‘Green Building. The rating system, based on accepted energy and environmental principles, will seek to strike a balance between the established practices and emerging concepts, both national and international. The guidelines/criteria appraisal may be revised every three years to take into account the latest scientific developments during this period.


Adarsh has acknowledged & awarded  MUJ campus in the category of “ Exemplary Demonstration of Integrated Water Management” on February 14th  2013



  • Barrier free campus for differently – abled
  • Climate responsive design
  • Environment friendly campus
  • Use of local materials
  • Native species for landscape
  • Drip irrigation
  • Waste water recycling
  • Natural lighting
  • Use of LEDs for energy conservation
  • Automatic timer for lighting systems.



New buildings are not only a major investment but it is also a legacy that we will be passing on for decades to come. Our campuses are costly to run, and are often used for many hours of the day. When planning for new construction or major renovations, we must consider the lifecycle cost of those buildings, their impacts on the environment, and how they affect and can best serve the many generations that will use these buildings.


Manipal University Jaipur believes universities have accountability to the future. A special role and special responsibility to address challenges as large as climate change by imparting sustainable values to the decision makers of the future.


Building green demonstrates our commitment to sustainability and gives us enormous peace of mind in knowing that the structures we have built are better for the environment, healthier for occupants and save money over the long term




  • Green buildings are designed to use energy and water in a significantly, more measurable, efficient way than conventionally designed buildings
  • Green buildings also reduce their waste streams during construction, are built to minimise their impact on the land on which they sit and the ecosystems around them, and are built with sustainably produced, recycled and recyclable materials and products.



  • Green buildings are built and designed with strategies and technologies that aim to improve the quality of indoor air, which could lead to improved student health, test scores and faculty retention
  • Green buildings have better lighting, temperature control, improved ventilation and better indoor air quality
  • Help develop environmental consciousness among staff and students alike.



  • Building green offers dramatic reductions in operations and maintenance costs
  • Cost savings are most likely to be fully realised when incorporated at the project's conceptual design phase with the assistance of an integrated team of building professionals. The integrated systems approach aims to design the building as one system rather than a collection of potentially disconnected systems.



To help us build green and to benchmark how green our buildings are. Our buildings have been rated under both the GRIHA and LEED rating systems. These rating tools help people assess the performance of their building against certain nationally acceptable benchmarks. It will evaluate the environmental performance of a building holistically over its entire life cycle, thereby providing a definitive standard for what constitutes a green building.