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  • Quick Facts

  • 2319

    Sq. mt. library area

  • 19718+


  • 62514+


  • 17,699+


  • 400+

    Print Journals



The Central Library of MUJ has implemented best practices in terms of using Standard Formats and Procedures for all library activities and follows Policies that are well publicized. These include


a) Computerization of library with standard digital software.

b) Inclusion of comprehensive information about the library, resources, facilities and services in the University website and prospectus.

c) Compiling student/teacher usage statistics and displaying the same on the notice board.

d) Displaying newspaper clippings on the notice board periodically.

e) Display of career/employment information/ services.

f) Information literacy programs.

g) Suggestions register for timely response.

h) Displaying new arrivals and circulating a list of those to academic departments.

i) Conducting book exhibitions on different occasions.

j) Establishing of Readers’ Forum

k) Organizing book talks.

l) Organizing competitions annually.

m) Conducting user surveys periodically.

n) Instituting Annual Best User award for students and Faculty

o) Remote access service to the users.

p) MUJ Library App – A mobile access technology.

q) Conducting of International Conference/National workshop on Scholarly Communication.

r) Screening of Academic videos once in a week in the Media Resource Centre.

s) Author of the Month programme.