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  • Quick Facts

  • 2319

    Sq. mt. library area

  • 19718+


  • 62514+


  • 17,699+


  • 400+

    Print Journals



Any of the Students, Scholars, Faculty and Staff with a valid RFID-enabled Identity (ID) Card of Manipal University Jaipur is entitled to borrow, renew, reserve and return the library documents on or before the due date. The library issues documents-books, back volumes, CDs/DVDs and audio cassettes to borrowers for a definite period as under: 



Borrowers Type No. of Books Loan Period  Overdue Charges 
Faculty Members 8 One Semester Not Applicable
Non Teaching Staff 4 One Semeste Not Applicable
Research Scholar 8 90 days Not Applicable 
PG Students  5 14 Days  Rs.2/- Per day for one week.
After that Rs.5/-Per Day
UG Students  14 Days Rs.2/- Per day for one week.
After that Rs.5/-Per Day
Non Book Materials Faculty
2 2 Days Not Applicable
Students 2 2 Days Rs.2/- Per day for one week.
After that Rs.5/-Per Day


No Due Certificate

All Schools, Colleges, and Departments of the University will ensure that a No Dues/No Demand Certificate is obtained from the Library by students, scholars, staff and faculty working under them on their completion of studies, research or resignation or superannuation.


Loss of Documents

Occasionally a borrower loses a document or damages it. If the document is damaged, the action depends upon the extent of damage; if it is a minor damage, it can be repaired locally. If the document is lost or seriously damaged, the users must:


(a) Replace the latest library edition of the lost document or

(b) If document is out of print, pay two times the latest known price of the document.

(c) In case of loss of any issue of a periodical, it has to be replaced or cost of the entire volume must be paid.

(d) In case of loss of a single part of a multi-volume publication, the volume has to be replaced or cost of the entire set will be recovered from the borrower.

(e) The library will suspend all its services to the defaulters till the recovery is made and the recovery note duly certified is received in the Library.